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Cohort 9 | 3 in-person, week-long modules over a one year period with remote study and engagement

Currently taking applications. Please book an interview.

Module I Feb 2-6, 2026 (5 Days)

Module II Aug 3-7, 2026 (5 Days)

Module III Feb 1-6, 2027 (6 Days)

Follow these steps to apply for training:

1. Book an interview with Rita via Calendly (link here)

2. Depending on the outcome of your interview, you will be given an access code to the Training Information on the website with the details about the training and steps to take for registration.

3. Follow the instructions in the “Training Information” to complete the application via the Jot form link provided.

4. Pay your deposit via the instructions and you will be granted access to the pre-study materials.

5. Note the Module Payment Dates outlined in the “Training information”. Reminders will be sent as well.

May 12

Cohort 8 | 3 in-person, week-long modules over a one year period with remote study and engagement

March 30

Cohort 10 | 3 in-person, week-long modules over a one year period with remote study and engagement