Punk Therapy Podcast
This podcast is dedicated to the exploration and communication of somatic relational trauma-informed practices woven with psychedelic and earth-based medicines. We welcome from the underground the experience of practitioners dedicated to the ethical, creative and embodied use of medicines in therapeutic and ceremonial settings. Our kindness seeks to bridge the lived experience of the underground, the indigenous ways, the institutional studies, and the direct knowledge of those humans seeking to expand their consciousness and heal on all levels.
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When Wise Interventions are Required in Medicine Spaces (To Intervene or Not?)
Ninety percent of our communication is non-verbal, communicated through the eyes, voice, facial and bodily gestures. From the moment we are born we are communicating our internal cues to our caregivers and we need them to attune to those cues to ensure that we not only survive, but flourish. As developing humans, when we are not consistently cared for or appropriately responded to, when misattuned to or neglected, we can suffer relational and development trauma. These developmental gaps and severed neural connections can lead to living in pain, disconnection and chaos.
To flourish as humans we need others to co-regulate, co-reflect and to grow brains with –we need this on an ongoing basis for life. It is the same in the psychedelic space - we need others to get our cues and to come into relationship with us when we have dropped into developmental gaps, dissociation, terror and places of thwarted growth. How do we as practitioners intervene wisely during a medicine session? This is a relational art form.
Rita Bozi will share of her years of clinical experience within medicine spaces and what it means to facilitate with mutuality, reciprocity and nuanced attunement.
Morgan Motsinger P.S. We Expire
How do we help when we’re overwhelmed ourselves? Co-regulation and somatic healing with Rita Bozi.
Why Our Sense of Connection Matters Psychedelic Café 9
For this session of The Psychedelic Café we explore the question: Why Does Our Sense Of Connection Matter?
Women’s Health & Psychedelics Summit
A Human Response to Medicine.
My approach to medicine work is informed by attending to my own ancestral, developmental, relational and spiritual trauma on an ongoing basis. I focus my attention on how ancestral inheritance and its seemingly invisible impact informs cellular function and attachment wounds. I witness the significance of soul wounds: how our intergenerational trauma can show up in our nervous systems as defenses, fixed action patterns and relational conflicts. And in the myriad expressions of the spirit and distortions of the body.
A Somatic Relational Approach to Psychedelic Therapy – Adventures Through The Mind Podcast
We feature two anonymous guests on today’s episode to talk about applying psychedelics to somatic relational therapy. One of whom is a practicing underground therapist. The other is not a therapist or doing therapy, but a social worker and researcher specializing in somatic healing, interpersonal neurobiology, and psychedelic therapy.
This is a radically different approach to the psychedelic-assisted therapy you are likely aware of--headphones, eye shades, therapist there to hold a hand if needed. This is a therapy that is fully interactive and engaged.